One big egg...

Duck eggs, are naturally larger than chicken eggs.  But one day, Cade went out to the duck pen and came back with this WHOPPER of an egg.  It was so big, we had to get out the scale.  It was 3.5 oz!  A chicken egg, a mere 1.7oz!  Cade bet it was a double yolk...I didn’t think so.  Guess who won?  Unfortunately, it is possible the duck that passed this whopper suffered nerve damage from it.  One of our girls can’t walk now, and while she was limping before, now she cannot walk at all.  We don’t really know who laid the egg, so we cannot say for sure...but in the last week I have learned a lot about duck nutrition, and I am here to say—she is currently the healthiest duck in town, that can’t walk.  We will have to decide next week what we are going to do about her…  :”(

Cade WON!  Isn’t it funny how the white looks like a duck foot?