Text Box: Old School Diner!Text Box: My mom had alerted me to “The Old School Diner” and after visiting the website and reading the newspaper article—we had to check it out.  When we walked into the door, it appeared we were in this VERY small restaurant.  But, after a very short explanation of why we were there, the ladies went and got Chef Jerome.  He was awesome!!  It was 5 o’clock on a Wednesday and we were the first to arrive.  Because of that, we had our own private tour with the Chef.  He told stories of all the famous people who frequent there, like Sandra Bullock and Ben Affleck.  The walls are covered in pictures of his patrons, and the kids even got a tour of the kitchen.  Everything is home-style fried, from the mismatched plates to the deep fryers lining the kitchen walls.  
Text Box: The kids loved Chef, and they made themselves at home, just as he would want.  Audrey and Malena played the piano, and we ordered the specialty of the house—”The Wheelchair Platter, so much food, you’ll need a wheel chair to get you out of here!”  LOL!  We had to have that!!  You don’t know what comes on it, but you have to ‘trust your Chef’ as Ben Affleck said once (printed on the menu)—Ours had lots of fried shrimp, ribs, fried oysters, chicken fingers, fries, hush puppies and coleslaw.  After dinner Chef came out with ice cream on the house for the children.  We really did need the wheelchair to get us out of there!!  But what great fun it was, and WELL WORTH the TRIP!!  We will be going back there next time we are in Savannah!
Text Box: Not only is the inside decorated from top to bottom, but the outside too—and the parking lot, really is covered in rubber mats, so you don’t get your feet or your car dirty!!  LOLOLOL!