Harris Neck Wildlife Refuge

Established in 1962, Harris Neck Wildlife Refuge is almost an hour south of Savannah.  We like how it was laid out.  It was an old airfield, and you drive most of the 2,700+ acres, but can pull over and walk around and see all types of amazing water fowl, alligators, and turtles.  Because of its location it has a huge migratory bird population. 

Another cool thing about the refuge was there was an area near the marsh that used to be a plantation.  When the civil war released the slaves, they could not keep the plantation up—so eventually, it fell into disrepair.  The house is completely gone, but this fountain still sits on a path just as it did years ago.  It was sort of crazy to be walking in the woods and just come upon it.  Very Blair Witch!  The tree below looked like a face to us!!

This guy was building a nest!