CardinalsText Box: Home
Text Box: What we didn’t know before was:

The Northern cardinal has made a huge increase in population over the eastern part of the USA, largely due to parks and backyard feeders.  Both of which allow them the thrive!  

The female sings often from the nest, and sings a longer, more complicated song.  It is possible this is a song to the male letting him know when to bring the food!!  

The brightest coloured males have territories with thicker vegetation, and feed more often, and have a better birth rate than the duller male cardinals.

The males will violently defend their territory, often beating up their reflections in the windows!  Which, we have our bird Audrey named “Jazzy” who fights with himself from dawn until dusk.  He especially comes when Audrey plays the piano, hence the name ’Jazzy’ (he only comes to Jazz music!)  He is so consumed with his reflection, I can’t believe a cat hasn’t gotten him!!  

It is the most popular ‘State Bird’

Eggs hatch within 11-13 days.
Text Box: We have found TWO cardinal nests in our yard.  One is just a few feet off the ground in the driveway forsythia bushes.  The second is at the top of the weeping cherry just outside our front door.  Both mothers seem to have grown accustom to our constant peeking—and my theory is, that as annoying as our presence keeps the snakes away!  

The nest in the driveway had three eggs when we discovered it, and the very next day were chicks.  I have photographed them almost every day.  It is amazing how much they have changed each day.  Here is their story.

In the Beginning...

Happy Birthday!

At three days old

Day Four

Day five and eyes are open!

Day six...attitudes form!

Be on the look out for more information about our hatchlings, and check back to see how ‘Jazzy’ birds nest makes out in the cherry tree out front.  Unfortunately, I will be away for two weeks, and will probably miss out on their flights of fancy! 

Flight Day!

What a difference a day makes!  The chicks feathers had all but come in, and the bald spots of yesterday were gone!  This photo is a little blurry, because when I went to take it the parent cardinals were diving at me and freaking out.  Worried there was a snake around, I started looking in the forsythia, and next thing I knew, the chicks FLEW! 

This guy was first out, and he was NOT happy I picked him up.

Flight, is a strong word.  It was more like an accompanied ‘hop’.  Here, baby 1 is in the driveway with Dad.  2 and 3 are in the tree waiting.  Number 1 doesn’t know the danger around the corner!

I know this is hard to see, but in the middle (sort of) is the baby.  In front of the blue and yellow trike is the Mom cardinal.  She is pretending to be hurt...because Norman, our cat, had rounded the corner.  Soon, the father cardinal joined in, and they both were dancing around looking like the wings were hurt.  Meanwhile the chick was motionless.  It worked!  Norman chased them, I chase Norman, and got him in the house!  Whew!! Frantic moments, so no photos!






This is number we go again!

After a long hop around the front yard, I decided to move the family inside my neighbors fenced backyard.  They took a long tour across that, and after about 15 minutes Mom and Dad cardinal came back for number two.  I was weeding, so I heard the commotion!  Naturally, he had to have his picture taken too!  I also placed him in the neighbors yard, but he ended up back in our woody undergrowth.  I never saw what happened to three, since it was lunch time and my chicks needed attention! was so cool to see this!

Day Seven

Parental Controls