What Is Art?Text Box: Home

Our recent trip to the Savannah art museum has us asking… What is Art? 

These are some interesting sites of things people have made in the name of Art

Is this art?

Mark Jenkins makes ‘art’, and displays it around cities all over the world.  He does various projects, but the tape art fascinated the kids most.  I like the people myself.  Which begs the question...Is it art?

And if that is art, Is this?

This coat was made from duct tape.

Painting, is always attributed with art, so are these hand paintings by Guido Daniele art?

What about these tattoos and henna hands?  Would you consider those to be art? 

How about balloons?  Can they be art too?

If you use sidewalk chalk, and it isn’t permanent, is it considered art?  Like the Buddhist sand art below...

How about these sand sculptures

Just a little something to think about as you walk around this world...Is this art?Text Box: Home
Text Box: Art Zeum in Savannah

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