US History in  Nutshell

Part 3


Originally named “Middle Plantation” for its location between the York and James Rivers Williamsburg was the first major inland settlement for the Virginia colony in 1632.  The capital was moved from Jamestown to Williamsburg because the waters became contaminated, the living conditions were causing disease, and Jamestown had burned.  Williamsburg was also at a higher elevation, so it was less prone to flooding. 

These colonists were making varnish from linseed oil and pine sap.  Meanwhile, Cade had fallen, and was not happy. Note the knees!

This tree the kids were seeing if they could ring hands all the way around it.  They could!

This tree looked like it could have been here when George Washington was, the kid decided.

Bruton Parish Church was the first Anglican church built in 1660.  It served as a hospital in two wars.

The church grounds house a cemetery, and the kids had fun reading all the tombstones from the 1700’s.  There were even several unmarked graves for Confederate soldiers dating back to 1862. 

And then there were all the usual tourist pictures you had to take!

Perhaps my favorite site was when Cade insisted the colonist let him pull the bucket from the well.  The colonist said he needed his brother to help him, so Cade went to get Spencer and made the colonist late for lunch!  He helped pull the bucket from the well, but after seeing how heavy the bucket was to carry he decided “Spencer could do it…”  Which was when Malena was then recruited to help carry the bucket to the water barrel so that it could be used to water the plants in the garden. 

Job well done…

but Spencer decided modern life was a little easier than colonist life!

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