The Return to the ZooText Box: Home
Text Box: Today we went with Bela to the zoo.  We are always amazed at the experiences we have with the animals, and today was no different.  Today’s favorite interaction was between us and the Gorillas.  You see, Audrey “accidentally” dropped a piece of bamboo into the cage as the silverback, mamma and young teenagish guy was walking by.  He actually broke away from the pack, and came to pick up the bamboo stick.  He began to smell where her hand had been holding it, then looked right up at us.  It was sooooo cool!!!  
Text Box: You see him first sniffing the bamboo where her hand was, then he tasted it (probably tasted like hand san)...and in the photo on the left he is looking right at Audrey.  Now, is that amazing?  And, he stayed and ‘interacted’ with us for quite a while.  Passing by, turning around, looking at us.  It was very cool.  And for all you animal folks— don’t worry...I have told Audrey all about how and why you don’t let anything fall into the animal cages even if it is something they have inside the realm of their little worlds.  So don’t be emailing me about that.  Just appreciate the experience, and how it could just turn her into even more of a Jane Goodall type—but, not to worry, She’ll have to work alone, because Malena was hiding under the wheel of the stroller with her eyes and ears covered.  
Text Box: Wolf girl only wanted to see these guys.  She got the attention of the pack when she howled at them.  It was her magical moment.  These are Mexican Wolves.  Clearly, they were confused when she howled at them in English.
Text Box: This was Malena’s favorite guy.  He is a Spectacled Bear.
Below, I got this amazing picture of this bird eating a grape.
Text Box: Our other animal encounter was with this sea lion.  She was a feisty girl, and wanted to play.  She was jumping around the water, and picking up leaves and spitting them at people.  Then, we went below and she kept coming up to the window and swimming right up to the kids!  She even chuckled her head at them a few times.  I would hav had more photos, but just then the one and only school group descended upon us...and that was that.  Below, we begin our beaver observations.  Now, clearly they cannot have beaver knocking down trees in the National Zoo...but, can we not give these poor guys something to gnaw on?  I mean...look at the guy chewing the metal post!!  UGH!
Text Box: Okay, one guy found a bit of mulch to chew...but look at his hands.  Aren’t they cool?  The fingernails look human—well, except for the fact they are dark brown.
Text Box: Then, while in Amazonia looking for a bathroom we came upon this really cool room.  It was all videos, reference material, hands on bones, and microscopes.  It was completely by accident, and we had the place to ourselves.  So much so, I wondered if we were even supposed to be in there!  Other highlights of our day included the kids getting to finally see the brown Kiwi bird, and listen to a talk about it.  They also saw the Sloth on the move—and he was moving so much, and so fast the zoo staff was called in from all around.  Then we saw a guy in the invertebrate room who gave us a big talk on Orb spiders and leaf cutter ants.  Like, did you know that they don’t eat the leaves?  They chew them up and spit them out...this grows a fungus, and they eat the fungus!  Ewww and cool.